Ceangal Tool Kits

Introduction and Overview

The CEANGAL Framework will be further supported by specifically produced tools which will serve to meet a range of purposes for different intended users, this ranges from providing information on RES suitability to use scenarios, to training manuals on different RES, easy-to-use energy demand calculators, RES selection for local considerations, and financial models to provide funding and ownership options.

Of importance, is the drive to have a robust set of tools which is relevant for the intended local stakeholders, and in the face of new technologies and future innovation. The eventual suite of tools will house several component tools made available in a range of easily accessible formats and available in local languages (i.e. digital, paper-based and audio-visual).


It is the intention that the CEANGAL project will continuously expand the tools suite to include other deemed relevant tools as indicated by the end-users.


The Renewable Energy Selection Tool provided on this website is designed to offer users a simplified and informative overview of renewable energy options.
To get started with the tool please download the tool kit with the below link. Then select the user guide for the renewable energy you would like to assess.


Ceangal Tool kit User Guide – English

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Ceangal Tool kit User Guide – Chichewa

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