CEANGAL logo has been designed to combine synergy between the colours representing Malawi, Africa in general, and Ireland. The shape of the logo is modelled as the sun rising from the horizon symbolizing energy and life.
The logo is further embellished by renewable energy sources like solar and wind signifying the potential of decentralized renewables in increasing electricity penetration.
CEANGAL stands for (Community-Based Decentralised RenewAble ENerGy Systems and Supporting Structures for Improving Electricity Access in Low-Income Countries) and is inspired by the Irish word ceangal meaning binding. The project aims to bond renewable energy projects with the local community to solve the problem of abandonment of renewable energy projects in Low-Income Countries (LICs)beyond the lifecycle of the project. The CEANGAL project using its Regional Expertise Hub (REH) in Malawi would pilot a sustainable model for decentralised renewable energy-based initiatives in LICs in Africa and globally.