3 Years
research ireland COALESCE Awarded & Department of Foreign Affairs
01/09/2021 - 01/12/2024
CEANGAL (Community Based Decentralised Renewable Energy Systems and Supporting Structures for Improving Electricity Access in Low-Income Countries) is a research project led by Dr Ehiaze Ehimen, of the Atlantic Technological University Sligo, in collaboration with Dr Esther Phiri from the Malawi University of Business and Applied Sciences. The project will be carried out by researchers from both universities and Malawian stakeholders.
It is one of the five projects funded by Research Ireland as part of the COALESCE (Collaborative Alliances for Societal Challenges) 2021 program. The CEANGAL project puts forward an ambitious adaptable and replicable model to support activities and procurement, installation and ownership of renewable energy systems (RES), and provide support structures to ensure their continuous local operation and maintenance in low-income communities in Sub Saharan countries.